Manchu Manoj and Deeksha Seth starrer film “Uu Kodathara Ulikki Padathara” is finally got the confirmed release date after several postponements. Finally the movie is ready to hit the big screens on August 2nd on the occasion of Rakhi (Raksha Bandhan). This news has been informed to the media by film’s producer Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna.
In this film Nandamuri Balakrishna is playing an important role and actress Panchi Bora is pairing up with NBK.Sonu Sood will be seen in negative role and Lakshmi Prasanna has also played key role in the film. UKUP is directed by Sekhar Raja and Bobo Sashi has scored the music.This movie produced by Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna under Manchu Entertainment banner while Mohan Babu presents it.
thanks for sharing such wonderful information…keep posting more such articles.manchu manoj's ukup to released on aug 2